Orange Gitmo beard [PICTURE]. The Pentagon has given a partial
explanation to a Guantanamo mystery: How the self-proclaimed mastermind
of the Sept. 11 attacks managed to dye his beard.
Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed's bushy grey beard has been colored a rusty orange during court
appearances. Spectators had assumed he used henna, which is used by
some Muslims as a hair dye.
A Pentagon spokesman says Mohammed
used "natural means," such as juice from berries that he receives in his
meals. Army Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale said Tuesday that Mohammed did not
receive any "outside" means to color his beard.
Mohammed is kept under such heavy security that his lawyers can't even reveal routine conversations with their client.
He is charged with four other prisoners with aiding and planning the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Go here to read more and to see the picture.